30. August 2012

Best friends

"That's what friends are for..."

There are so many quotes and sayings about friendship out there that writing one post about it almost seems ridiculous. Nevertheless, friends are so important, I almost have to write about them. In the past few days I've had very special situations with some of my closest friends.

Looking back, all of those situations combined made me realize that we sometimes care so much about our friends it almost hurts.
Those of you who read the blurb of my blog might remember the one friend who inspired me to start this blog, the one a few thousand miles further east. Last night I felt very happy that he and his wife spend had the chance to stop by and spend some time with me - out of only a few free hours during their visit.
Sometimes, I realized, friends are really what all those quotes are about - just very special. Pizza tastes a little bit better than usual, vine becomes more easy to drink, people are more friendly and generous, and the air seems magically filled with love and happiness.
I hadn't seen them for ten months and it felt like nothing has happened since we sat together, had pizza and vino. Okay... maybe we got a little older during those days... They had thousands of stories to tell. So many experiences they've made, places they've seen, cities traveled, people met... We all know this feeling, when you sit there and feel like your life has not really changed ever since. And others... okay.. maybe also my life has changed... maybe that's for another blog post. I think you get the point. (Oh, and at least I started this blog!)
So, I had a fabulous night. With great friends.
And then I started to think... How many times do I get to see people that live much closer? And others that I haven't seen for years? Are we still friends? How do people feel if you live in the same city but don't see them every week? Are they sad? Do they understand? Can you even compare?

I can tell you from my own experiences: It's never easy. No matter how close or far away. It's about trust, and being honest, and caring about your friends from your heart. Being there for them when they really need you and also being able not to call every week. Because if they are true friends they understand. They don't expect but are always happy and thankful. And they tell you. My friend recently did. She told me not to worry about being busy or not seeing her as often as I wished. And without saying anything she understood, took some weight from my shoulders, re-emphasized the importance of our friendship. She was just being a really good friend.

And, after all that, you again realize that is what friends are for. They simply make you happy. Sometimes just because they are there. No matter if you had not seen them for years or just yesterday.

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